Followers with inappropriate and toxic behaviors not only ruin the watching experience for others but also take your motivation to create better content for your followers. Considering this, you must know the importance of maintaining a healthy and active community on the platform. So, get ready to learn the process of how to remove Twitch followers and regain control over your channel.

How to Remove Twitch Followers

Feeling the need to remove followers from your channel is very natural because unwanted behaviors like spamming, harassing others, breaking other channel rules, and making other people unsafe can never be acceptable.

Furthermore, if you have been a victim of fake followers on Twitch and are scared of getting your jeopardized then we have got your back. In this guide, we’ll guide you to remove each and every unwanted follower on your Twitch account. So, without delaying it anymore. Let’s dive into it!

How to Remove Twitch Followers

To help you with this procedure, you will require to link up your Twitch account with Commander Root Twitch Removal Tool. This tool will not only allow you to remove unwanted followers from your Twitch account one by one but will also give you the option to remove bulk followers in case you’ve received fake followers in bulk. So, without any further ado. Let’s start the process.

How to Remove Twitch Followers (Separately)

Follow the steps below to remove toxic and unwanted followers from your list.

Remove Twitch Followers Using a Tool
  • Click on the Commander Root Twitch Removal Tool link or go to their website.
  • Login via your Twitch account.
  • Give them access to remove followers from your account by clicking on “Authorize”
  • Once you are logged in, you will see a list of your Twitch followers.
  • Click on the red icon next to every follower’s name.
  • It will give you three options, the most used one is, “remove follower and block from re-following” and the other option is “just remove follower” which will allow them to follow you back in case they want.
  • Just select any option and that user will be removed from your following list on Twitch.
Authenticate with the Tool to remove the Twitch Followers

How to Remove Twitch Followers (Bulk)

This option is mostly used to remove fake followers because no one feels the need to remove their natural followers in bulk because they are just a few bad ones destroying the overall experience. Follow the steps below to make this work out.

  • Go to the Commander Root Twitch Removal Tool website.
  • Login via your Twitch account.
  • Click on “Authorize” to give them access to remove the unwanted followers from your list.
  • Above your followers list, you will see a “Filter Results” section at the top left side of the page.

Now what you are going to do is narrow down the followers you’d like to remove by entering the dates when you received followers in bulk.

Filter results to bulk remove Twitch Followers from your account

This will show you the unusual followers you received on those dates and that way you can identify if they were bot accounts and then you can remove them altogether.

  • Enter the two dates when you experienced the unusual following patterns on your account and hit apply filters.
  • Make sure you tick the “Is known bot” section to “Yes”.
  • You will get a list of fake followers you received in between the dates you entered.
  • Once you are satisfied with the result, click on the red button that says “Remove All Followers Listed Below”
  • Select “Remove Followers and Block Them From Re-Following”

Once you are done with this procedure, you will have those Twitch followers removed from your account. We have friendly advice that you only do this once you are 100% sure about removing them from your account because once it is done it cannot be undone.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Can I ban anyone from my Twitch account?

A: You cannot completely ban anyone from your Twitch account because anyone can watch your stream even if they do not follow you on the platform. However, you can ban them from your chat and refrain them from interacting on your broadcasts.

Q: How to stop someone from following you on Twitch?

A: You can block any account you’d like to stop following you in the future. You can also use the Commander Root Twitch removal tool to stop them from following you on Twitch.


By following the steps mentioned above you can effectively remove your Twitch followers, whether they are trolls or fake followers. It is always nice to have your followers list cleaned up to ensure a safe and enjoyable watching experience for your viewers. We hope this guide solved your problem!