Twitch, is no doubt, the most popular gaming platform so much so that whenever one thinks of gaming, Twitch is the first name that comes to mind. Founded in 2010 to broadcast gameplay videos and eSports competitions, Twitch has grown leaps and bounds in terms of popularity. Almost every gamer is on this platform these days and it is but natural for them to find out how to get sponsors on Twitch in order to get better monetary returns.
Gaming videos might be the crown jewel of the content streamed on Twitch but there are several other genres of the content streamed across the platform including music, sports, real-life streams, and many creative and DIY videos. There are many incentives for a content creator to start streaming on Twitch including the urge to reach out to a wider audience, gain popularity and pursue their dream job.
However, one reason that surpasses everything else is the money associated with working as a streamer. Twitch makes sure that its streamers earn a good sum of money coming from multiple sources including bits, donations, and subscription fees. Sponsorships are also a very profitable source of income for twitch streamers which explains why it is so popular among streamers. But how to get sponsors on Twitch? That would be the premise of this discussion.
What is Twitch Sponsorship?
Twitch Sponsorship is a contract between a creator and a business in which the business offers the creator a certain amount of money in exchange for the publicity of their product on his channel. It is similar to the way athletes sponsor a company by wearing its logo on their jerseys but it is a bit more complicated than that.
Twitch allows its streamers to make sponsorship deals with different companies as an alternative way of earning money. There are two different types of sponsorships on Twitch:

Paid Sponsorship
It is a type of sponsorship in which the sponsoring company pays you a given amount of money for promoting their business regardless of how many people buy that product.
Affiliate Sponsorship
It is a type of sponsorship in which the companies pay the streamer based on the number of people buying the product by clicking on the link given by the streamer. Usually, small streamers get these kinds of sponsorship offers.
How to get sponsors on Twitch?
Even as a small streamer you can land the right sponsor for your channel if you follow the tips given in this article.
Upload Quality Content
As elementary as it may sound, this is probably the most useful advice you would ever receive as a streamer. Working hard on your content quality will attract more viewers and subscribers to your channel which will eventually help you catch the attention of the sponsors. There are no shortcuts when it comes to gaining success as a streamer on twitch.

Stream more frequently
Ask any seasoned streamer how to increase the flow of viewers and money on your channel and they will advise you to stream more frequently, preferably 4 to 8 hours a day for 5 days a week. Increasing your streaming hours can be a tough ask for a beginner but the outcome is worth all the effort.
Give a more professional look to your channel
Sponsors will only be interested in offering you a deal if they know you mean business, and one of the ways to show it to them is by giving a more professional look to your channel. Many streamers add irrelevant info in their “about” section and put random graphics on their channel which gives the channel an untidy appearance. You should give your proper info in the About section and put animations that represent your brand.

Remember to add the email and contact info for any potential sponsorship offers in your about section right from the start, so that sponsors know how to reach out to you. You can also get a customized logo designed for your channel. Try to keep your username short and unique to make your channel more appealing to the sponsors.
Collab with other streamers
Collaborating with your fellow streamers will not only give new exposure and audience to your channel but will also help you in establishing new contacts in the industry which are always helpful in growing as a streamer.
Make Social media handles for your channel
Your main goal as a streamer is to get the attention of people whether it is the general audience or the sponsoring companies. Setting up social media handles for your channel on YouTube, FaceBook and Twitter would be a great idea. It helps you in getting discovered by new viewers and sponsors.

Go to Twitch-related events
You should never skip TwitchCon or other such events because these events provide you with an opportunity to meet potential sponsors. Networking and branding are important aspects of becoming a social media influencer.
What are the different companies that sponsor twitch streamers?
Initially, only gaming-related companies sponsored the twitch streamers but now many other companies are looking to promote their business through Twitch. This is because of the general shift of interest of the population from electronic media to the internet. Many big companies such as HyperX, Under Armour, Corsair, G-Fuel, and Mavix are currently making partnerships with famous twitch streamers.

On the other hand, some companies are looking to sponsor small and medium-level streamers through an affiliate marketing system. Some of the famous companies assuming this marketing strategy are Amazon, Nord VPN, Nvidia, and BenQ. The number of subscribers and viewers you have and the type of content you make decides what kind of companies would be interested in sponsoring your channel.
Criteria for being sponsored:
Technically speaking, there is no fixed criteria or minimum requirement for a streamer to be sponsored on Twitch. However, in the practical world, it can be a hard task to find sponsors if your channel does not have a consistent viewership. Many successful streamers suggest that you should not go out looking for sponsors unless you have an average of 100 viewers on your live streams all the time.
It is also important to choose the right time to sign a sponsorship deal so that you make the best out of it. If your viewer count is on a rise then you should wait for it to reach a bigger number before reaching out to a sponsor so that you get a better deal.
If you are streaming quality content frequently then you will begin to get approached by sponsors sooner rather than later. However, it is important that you think thoroughly before accepting any offer. You need to ask yourself, is this a good product for your viewers, would you use it, and most importantly, does this product match your brand?
How to find the right sponsor for your channel?
You should never compromise your creative integrity and personal beliefs just for a few extra bucks. Promoting something controversial might mean a short-term monetary benefit but it will be a long-term loss if it tarnishes your reputation in the eyes of your viewers.
How to send a proposal to sponsors?
Once you have got into contact with sponsors, you can finally send them a proposal. You must sound sincere and professional in your proposal. You should inform the sponsor about why their product is a right fit for your channel and what value you are bringing to the table through your channel and reach. Be honest with them about your viewers’ and subscribers’ numbers and other details that they ask for. Be sure to be not too formal or too casual about your proposal.
Sign the contract
Once you have convinced the sponsors that your channel is worth their time and money, you both can move forward to figuring out the details of the contract. It is important to know the actual worth of your stream and fan base. Do not over-sell or under-sell yourself because overestimating your worth might repel potential sponsors, and underestimating your worth might result in you losing a substantial amount of money. Here is how much a twitch streamer makes.
You will end up regretting in both cases so it is better to consult other streamers or friends in this case. A contract is a legally binding document so read it carefully before signing to make sure the sponsors have not added any shady details that you did not agree to in the first place.
Are there any platforms that assist new streamers in finding sponsorships?
Yes, many popular websites help small streamers find sponsorship deals. These include Powerspike, Hellogamer, and Pillar which help new streamers in landing on their feet with profitable sponsorships.
How to incorporate sponsored content into your channel?
There are many different ways adopted by content creators around the world to incorporate sponsored content into their streams such as:
- Flashing logos of the sponsor in the video
- Telling viewers about the product during the live stream
- Using products created by the sponsor company in the video such as gaming controllers and gaming chairs etc.
- Product giveaways
- Putting links to the product store in the description of the video.
While promoting a product you must do it tastefully otherwise your viewers might get cringed out.
Final Thoughts
Sponsorship is a mutually beneficial partnership between a streamer and a company that involves promoting a business or product on a twitch channel. While it may seem that you need a big number of viewers to get sponsored by a company, the reality is that any streamer with a small or medium-sized fan base can get sponsors for his channel by embracing the right strategies, some of which are mentioned in this article.